JB's Record Lounge

Serenity is a 2005 Space-Western film written and directed by Joss Whedon, which was a direct continuation his beloved television series Firefly. Set in 2517, the film tells the story of the crew of the spaceship Serenity, whose lives of smuggling are interrupted by a psychic passenger who harbors a dangerous secret. This Deluxe 2-LP gatefold edition features 53 tracks by composer David Newman, 30 of which have never been released before, and brand-new artwork from graphic artist Matt Sheean.

Serenity is a 2005 Space-Western film written and directed by Joss Whedon, which was a direct continuation his beloved television series Firefly. Set in 2517, the film tells the story of the crew of the spaceship Serenity, whose lives of smuggling are interrupted by a psychic passenger who harbors a dangerous secret. This Deluxe 2-LP gatefold edition features 53 tracks by composer David Newman, 30 of which have never been released before, and brand-new artwork from graphic artist Matt Sheean.

Serenity (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Edition Blue Translucent LP]
Artist: David Newman
Format: Vinyl
New: Available $45.99

Formats and Editions


1. Opening / Intro To River
2. Escape
3. The Operative
4. Death Of Mathias
5. Serenity
6. Going For A Ride
7. Trading Station Robbery
8. Reaver Chase
9. Pop Goes The Reaver
10. They Never Lie Down
11. Mal Reminisces
12. Transition
13. Maidenhead Bar
14. River Goes Wild
15. Mal Takes River In
16. River's Eyes
17. Mal's Decision
18. Mr. Universe
19. Subliminal Message
20. River & Simon In Locker
21. Haven Guitar
22. Come At You Sideways
23. School Flashback
24. Mal & Inara
25. Flight To Training House
26. Training House Fight
27. Escape From Training House
28. School Flashback / Miranda
29. River Gets Out
30. River Shows Mal & Miranda
31. Haven Destroyed
32. Shepherd Book's Last Words
33. Warn Everyone We Know
34. You're Not A Reaver
35. Mal Decides
36. Population Dead
37. Truth / Mal's Speech
38. Universe Gets It
39. Space Battle
40. Crash Landing
41. Wash Killed / Run To Black Room
42. Mr. Universe Dead
43. Generator Room
44. Mal & OP Fight
45. Simon Shot / River Runs
46. Jayne & Zoe / Final Battle
47. Broadcast Beams / River Is Alive
48. Funeral / Rebuilding Serenity
49. Prep For Flight
50. Love / Serenity
51. End Credits Pt. 1
52. End Credits Pt. 2
53. End Credits Pt. 3

More Info:

Serenity is a 2005 Space-Western film written and directed by Joss Whedon, which was a direct continuation his beloved television series Firefly. Set in 2517, the film tells the story of the crew of the spaceship Serenity, whose lives of smuggling are interrupted by a psychic passenger who harbors a dangerous secret. This Deluxe 2-LP gatefold edition features 53 tracks by composer David Newman, 30 of which have never been released before, and brand-new artwork from graphic artist Matt Sheean.



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